Monday, December 11, 2017

Transforming Dreams into Reality (Mary Morrissey, TED)

Transforming Dreams into Reality (Mary Morrissey, TED)

1. create with clarity specific DREAM.
the clarity will come with the writing. keep writing your dream every day morning for 7 days and observe the difference. we need to tune ourselfs to that particular frequency like TV & Radio. We are also same like TV & Radio. The chance of observing and connecting to the opportunities that make our dreams to reality will increase. we are more foucused. the things that we do are more inlined to our dreams when we write the dreams.
2. Refuse to stay discouraged.
failures will come, disappointments are part of the process. we always have to go through failures to reach our goals & dreams. Always get excited to learn from the failures and get up move on to reach our goals.
3. Be more interested in Growth than comofort, in service of your dream.
the grass under our feet also strive to grow day by day. every tree becomes bigger than yesterday. its in the nature. every day i should become better than yesterday, learn one more new thing, do something that is uncomfortable. Growth is the only thing that moves closure to the goals & dreams.